Friday, August 31, 2012

Friday's Letters

Dear Friday.  This has been a very relaxing and low key week.  I'm happy to see you, but not in a hurry for you to come around again.  Dear Husband.  The glow of you being home hasn't faded yet, despite the fact that we're having to relearn to live together.  I love you so much.  Happy Birthday yesterday!  Dear Charlie & Lena.  You're visit this week was kind of a surprise, but I'm happy you were here to keep Ninja & Sass company.  Plus, it forced me to get out of the house more often to help you expend your energy!  [hence, photo above.  Walking four dogs = pro by now]  Dear job search.  You're pretty much hopeless.  I don't need to have a part time job, but would really like one, and the lack of available openings for such is very frustrating.  Dear Husband.  I love when you take over the camera to bring a fresh point of view to our photo collection.  I love even more how every other photo is a picture of my behind.  You're so ridiculous.  Dear summer.  I'm pretty sure you've left, which breaks my heart.  As much as I enjoy crisp autumn evenings and suppers made of soup and hot chocolate, I love daylight until 10 pm and sitting outside after dark in a tshirt even more.  Please come back to me.  Dear London.  We don't get to visit this month, but you can bet on seeing us soon!  Dear Prague or Amsterdam.  I think we'll end up flipping a coin to see who has the honor of our presence first, but either way, I'm excited to see you on the 9th!


  1. The eveningg are getting cooler here in Michigan as well. We will be heading to the Upper Peninsula this weekend and temps are supposed to get into the 40's at night...brrrr! Enjoy your vacation! Stop

  2. That is a really tough decision, Amsterdam or Prague! I've read a lot of good things about Prague in recent years, BUT I have never been to Europe at all and Amsterdam is definitely near the top of places to visit first!
    I'm sure either will be awesome. Have fun w/the hubby!

  3. OH my gosh - I read the first one (to Friday) as Dear Husband... I was like haha, she doesn't want him to come around again?! #needcoffee...

  4. Sigh...your life is so exciting. This is why I follow your blog. Well, and the fact that you are a really neat person. :)

  5. I couldn't imagine walking FOUR big dogs! I don't think it would end very well, hahah! :)

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog and have given you a blog award :)


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